
Feature requests (Web1.0 Hosting matters)

by Turboblack ⌂, Saturday, March 15, 2025, 19:32 (1 day, 7 hours, 22 min. ago) @ singletona082

what is important to say - web 1.0 hosting, or web1.0hosting.net
the name itself contains web 1.0
which goes without saying, yes - this hosting is exactly about that

usenet could be if there is an audience that wants it. unfortunately, so far we have very weak activity of forums and chats. there is not even a hint of creating another service that will be idle.

we have telegram chats, we have irc chats, we have two forums, we have a web chat, there are web chats for users on sites, we have mail, website hosting, and of course we are not limited to this, this is written on the main page of the hosting

as you already understood the most important task is to create a large community that will already in one form or another go like a wave to one or another service. it is important to increase the number of users, and only then offer them something else.

in order to create a service, you need users who are ready for it. I have already gone through the option "hey! look, IRC chat! come in!". then I had to explain what it is, write articles, literally lure people into this chat, it did not end well. as there were several people, so it is. I need to check all the services every day to see if someone is writing, answer questions. other users of the community do not want to take responsibility, so I think it is better to conduct a discourse on such topics when there is a person who will take responsibility for training, filling, inviting, PR, and so on.

We live in the distant past, we are still not at all civilized

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